Figuring \w+ out

Using ONNX to integrate local AI models into .NET


About the example #

ONNX allows developers to integrate many different types of generated models into their application in a generic way.

This content is essentially my experience replicating the content in the article Build a Generative AI App in C# with Phi-3 SLM and ONNX written by Chris Pietschmann. I originally recreated the example shortly after the article was written on a Windows device. On Linux I received an error. I am now able to recreate the example on Fedora Linux. Here are my steps.

The example shows how to download a model and then use the model locally, within a .NET console application, demonstrated via a typical chat application.

Getting the model #

There are a couple ways to download the model. The article uses Git to clone it. When using this method you must have Git LFS installed. This is the route I went on both Windows and Linux. The other method is to use the huggingface-cli. The CLI is a Python package. I did not want to set up Python, there I stick with Git.

There are two installation paths for Git LFS for Linux. It seemed the simplest approach was using PackageCloud for installation, therefore I selected the RPM package route on PackageCloud and followed the step:

curl -s | sudo bash

This adds a new package source, which then allows installation:

sudo dnf install git-lfs
git lfs install

Now we're reading to Git clone a model. The directory being cloned to will need to be used by the .NET console application we create next:

git clone ~/projects/onnx/phi-mini-4k

Using the model #

Create a new .NET Console application and add the following packages:

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime" Version="1.19.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntimeGenAI" Version="0.4.0" />

On Linux these are the first versions of the libraries usable, before these versions I received errors stating the file could not be loaded. Looking through the GitHub issues I saw a comment on a similar error stating Linux was not supported yet, and so I assume was my issue with older versions of the library.

First step is to load the model:

var modelPath = "/home/username/projects/onnx/phi-mini-4k/cpu_and_mobile/cpu-int4-rtn-block-32";
var model = new Model(modelPath);
var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(model);

Next up, create an agent using a system prompt:

var systemPrompt =
"You are a knowledgeable and friendly assistant. Answer the following question as concisely as possible.";

var allPrompts = new List<string>

We then begin a loop for the interactive chat:

while (true)

Within the loop we ask the user to type their question and generate the full prompt to send to the model:

Console.Write("Type Prompt then Press [Enter] or CTRL-C to Exit: ");
var userPrompt = Console.ReadLine();


var fullPrompt = string.Join(string.Empty, allPrompts.ToArray());

We then set all the parameters for the model. Reference the documentation for configuration parameters:

var tokens = tokenizer.Encode(fullPrompt);
var generatorParams = new GeneratorParams(model);
generatorParams.SetSearchOption("max_length", 1024);
generatorParams.SetSearchOption("past_present_share_buffer", false);

var fullResponse = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
var generator = new Generator(model, generatorParams);

We now read the response and output it:

while (!generator.IsDone())
var outputTokens = generator.GetSequence(0);
var newToken = outputTokens.Slice(outputTokens.Length - 1, 1);
var output = tokenizer.Decode(newToken);

// build full response string as it's generated


Finally, we add the answer to our history, so the next question asked has the previous content to reference and build upon.

allPrompts[allPrompts.Count() - 1] = $"<|assistant|>{fullResponse.ToString()}<|end|>";

Final thoughts #

It's surprising how well this runs using the CPU on my 8 year old laptop. I wouldn't want to use it as a real life solution for even personal use, but useful to experiment with.

I personally do not have reason to use this. But where it does become interesting is that ONNX supports scikit-learn models. Therefore, it's intriguing thinking about creating a custom model with scikit-learn and then using that custom model in an application.