Figuring \w+ out

Faking time and logs


The problem: framework side effects #

Ideally core application logic is written in such a way so that it does not have any side effects. Unfortunately some .NET framework types produce side effects.

When working with dates and times most commonly static methods are used to retrieve the current date and time. As a result some wrap these types within another type. Then the new type can be injected as a dependency. This is not difficult to do, but does require extra work and discipline.

Logging can already be injected as a dependency. The challenging part of logging is asserting written logs in tests. It's certainly possible to mock logging in tests and then write verifications. Typically mocking is not ideal. Testing an implementation is brittle. Instead, tests should focus on the result, which means there should not be side effects. Logging is a somewhat unique case, so the typical concerns may not apply. But why settle for less, it can be implemented better.

Resolutions #

TimeProvider #

Recently .NET gained additions to mitigate both of these issues. For date time there is now a TimeProvider which can be injected. It can then be used in application code, ex:timeProvider.GetLocalNow().

When testing FakeTimeProvider can be used to set a date time, so when the application code requests a date time a preset value will be used.

new FakeTimeProvider(new DateTimeOffset(2023, 7, 15, 13, 25, 13, TimeSpan.FromHours(-7)));

FakeLogger #

For logging there now is a FakeLogger which you can create in tests and use when creating an object to test, ex: new FakeLogger<SomeService>().

Assertions can then be made in tests:

var latestLog = logger.Collector.LatestRecord;
Assert.That(latestLog.Level, Is.EqualTo(LogLevel.Error));

Complete example #

A simple console application can be setup:

public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureLogging(builder => { builder.AddConsole(); })
.ConfigureServices(serviceProvider =>


And an example service which uses TimeProvider and ILogger:

public class SomeService(TimeProvider timeProvider, ILogger<SomeService> logger)
public void DoSomething()
logger.LogInformation("The time is: {Time}", timeProvider.GetLocalNow());

throw new NotImplementedException("Causing an error to test logging with exception information");
catch (NotImplementedException e)
logger.LogError(e, "The error time is: {Time}", timeProvider.GetLocalNow());

Then a test can be written for the service which allows the test to control the date time and logger:

public void FrameworkLogger_FakeLoggerRecordsLogs()
var logger = new FakeLogger<SomeService>();
var fakeTimeProvider = new FakeTimeProvider(new DateTimeOffset(2023, 7, 15, 13, 25, 13, TimeSpan.FromHours(-7)));
var service = new SomeService(fakeTimeProvider, logger);


Assert.That(logger.Collector.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

var firstLog = logger.Collector.GetSnapshot()[0];
Assert.That(firstLog.Level, Is.EqualTo(LogLevel.Information));
Assert.That(firstLog.Message, Is.EqualTo("The time is: 07/15/2023 13:25:13 -07:00"));

var latestLog = logger.Collector.LatestRecord;
Assert.That(latestLog.Level, Is.EqualTo(LogLevel.Error));
Assert.That(latestLog.Message, Is.EqualTo("The error time is: 07/15/2023 13:25:13 -07:00"));
Is.EqualTo("Causing an error to test logging with exception information"));

Conclusion #

These changes in .NET are very much welcomed. The changes are not significant, but they are niceties. They simplify tests, remove boilerplate and make tests less brittle. They lead developers in the right direction.