Figuring \w+ out

The question of null


The past #

Null reference exceptions seems to be one of the most common runtime exceptions in .NET. Protecting against null requires discipline, and a lot of extra code to read through. For .NET Core 3.0, C# 8 the options shifted. At that time a project could be enabled to flag potential nullables not being handled. The project could also be set to turn these warnings into errors.


Along with these setting two new operators were introduced to work with nulls. First, the null-forgiving operator ! allows you to instruct the compiler that the object is not null, and so allows access to any properties: myStringValue!.Length. This operator should not be used haphazardly.

The second operator is the null-conditional operator ?.. It allows you to access object properties more succinctly and protect yourself for accessing null by falling through to the end of the expression if any part of it is null: myStringValue?.Length ?? 0.

How to handle null #

Considering this new option I see four general approaches to handling null, all of which have their trade-offs.

  1. Nullables
  2. Try pattern
  3. Null value pattern
  4. Option pattern

In the examples below the following type will be used to return for the example methods:

public record TheReturnValue(string TheValue);

Nullables #

We define a method which potentially returns a nullable type:

internal class NullableExample
public TheReturnValue? DoSomething(bool useNullPath = false)
return useNullPath
? null
: new TheReturnValue(nameof(NullableExample));

Calling and handling the potential null value:

var nullableExample = new NullableExample();
Console.WriteLine(nullableExample.DoSomething()?.TheValue ?? "Empty");
Console.WriteLine(nullableExample.DoSomething(useNullPath: true)?.TheValue ?? "Empty");

The compiler helps us, to ensure the potential null is not being accessed inappropriately.

Try pattern #

The try pattern is not new. But the NutNullWhen attribute was also only introduced at the same time as the new null handling operators. Here we define a Try method which potentially returns null:

internal class TryExample
public bool TryDoSomething([NotNullWhen(true)] out TheReturnValue? theReturnValue, bool useNullPath = false)
if (useNullPath)
theReturnValue = null;
return false;
theReturnValue = new TheReturnValue(nameof(TryExample));
return true;

Calling and handling the potential null value:

if (new TryExample().TryDoSomething(out var theTryGetReturnValue))
if (!new TryExample().TryDoSomething(out var theTryGetReturnValueNullScenario, useNullPath: true))

The approach is a little more awkward. It also does not work with async methods.

The null value pattern #

There isn't anything new about the null value pattern. For this pattern we need to also define a new type which represents the case when the method does not have a value to return:

internal class NullValueExample
public TheReturnValue DoSomething(bool useNullPath = false)
return useNullPath
? new NullValueTheReturnValue()
: new TheReturnValue(nameof(NullValueExample));

internal record NullValueTheReturnValue() : TheReturnValue("Empty");

Calling and handling the potential null value:

var nullValueExample = new NullValueExample();
Console.WriteLine(nullValueExample.DoSomething(useNullPath: true).TheValue);

Pretty simple and straightforward. The awkwardness comes when you need to know if the object you have is the null value object.

The option pattern #

This pattern comes from functional languages. In functional languages it is an elegant solution to working with null. The biggest issue is it's unfamiliarly with developers who work in .NET. It requires discipline to use.

There are many implementations which can be used. This is a simple implementation which allows an illustration of usage:

internal class Option<T> where T : class
private T? theObject = null;

public static Option<T> Some(T theObjectPassedIn) => new() { theObject = theObjectPassedIn };
public static Option<T> None() => new();

public Option<TResult> Map<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> map) where TResult : class =>
theObject is null ? Option<TResult>.None() : Option<TResult>.Some(map(theObject));

public T Reduce(T defaultValue) => theObject ?? defaultValue;

internal class OptionExample
public Option<TheReturnValue> DoSomething(bool useNullPath = false)
return useNullPath
: Option<TheReturnValue>.Some(new(nameof(OptionExample)));

Calling and handling the potential null value:

var optionExample = new OptionExample();
Console.WriteLine(optionExample.DoSomething().Map(theReturnValue => theReturnValue.TheValue).Reduce("Empty"));
Console.WriteLine(optionExample.DoSomething(useNullPath: true).Map(theReturnValue => theReturnValue.TheValue).Reduce("Empty"));

Conclusion #

For most use cases I have found using nullable types with the new nullable settings and operators makes the most since for where I work. It's still a leaky abstraction, but it is familiar to .NET developers and mostly protects against null simply and sufficiently.